45,000 Additional 5G Base Stations Launched by Henan Province


Henan Communications Administration recently published the latest numbers for the past three quarters, most notably their regional telecommunication business volumes, which recorded a 23.8% YoY-increase to CNY 73.98 billion; the 8.3% YoY-increase to CNY 59.64 billion for telecommunication service revenues; as well as the CNY 10.25 billion worth of total profit.

Throughout the first three quarters, more than CNY 7.97 billion has been invested in the province-wide 5Gservices — best represented by the upwards of 45,000 additional 5G base stations deployed. That number is followed very closely by the total number of 5G base stations built, which currently lies in excess of 142,300, the whopping 61,246,000 Internet broadband access ports, as well as the 72,796 Gbps interprovincial Internet export bandwidth.

In addition, mobile users in the region have reached 113,042,000 and counting, 32% of which, i.e., as much as 34,030,000, were 5G users. Furthermore, there were up to 133,412,000 Internet users in the province, among which 38,425,000 were broadband users. Also, there are 107.1 fixed broadband units installed in every hundred households across the province, 94,987,000 active mobile internet users, as well as 19,966,000 families (3.9% YoY-increase) subscribed to Henan’s IPTV services.


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